Sahib Punjabi Consultant and Keynote Speaker on Sustainablitiy and Aquaponic Urban Gardening
Sahib is dedicated to “feeding the villages” of the world, are his words for teaching the poorest people in the world how to feed themselves using aquaponics. He is developing aquaponics systems in Winter Park, Florida, that are the prototypes for affordable systems that will be appropriate for economically disadvantaged and developing nations. Sahib is available for consultation services for this agenda.
Sahib offers public speaking and consultant services in the subject of Aquaponic urban gardening and sustainability.
He establishes the principal of sustainability and delivers the greater importance of urban sustainability in a keynote speech. Sahib will lay down the framework of Aquaponic gardening for the following programs of events for any group on this agenda.
Sahib’s Training Workshops by Aquaponics Urban Guru’s should provide you with a solid foundation to learn and gain knowledge and the skills to successfully practice Aquaponics and grow your food by such methods. Should you decide to increase your growing capacity and scale of operational, Sahib will offer consulting services for your unique projects. Fees and related expenses of such consultancy services are negotiated on a case by case basis. Such consultancy services could be very valuable when setting up a larger sustainable urban Aquaponics operation. We can assist you on overall review or right from the start-up of the project where sophisticated systems planning and site design needs to be done to ensure success while dealing with multiple variables. Fees and related expenses of such consultancy services are negotiated on a case by case basis. Please email us should you require such consultancy services.
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